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[VANILLA-L:1359] Re: Notes on INL Robot
Jeffrey Nowakowski wrote:
> I could help this weekend. Of course, that means that you'll have to
> decide which tasks you want me to work on.
Thanks, Jeffrey [and others], I thought and thought but couldn't work
out easily how to break the work down. What is left to be done by
Monday is the following;
1) "* Reset all player stats at game start"
Which means that the player statistics visible in the player window
should be zero, and all the ranks should be Ensign.
2) "* Game-specific files should be moved to <filename>.<pid> after the
This include .players, .global, and INL_log"
I've added code to inl.c to handle the move of INL_log to a <tv_sec>
rather than <pid>, since <pid> is not unique in this implementation.
Code to move .players, .planets, and .global would need to be added
somehow, perhaps to the daemon because it keeps a file descriptor open
to .players, I think.
3) "* Human-readable message log (watchmes | grep -v WRN) needs to be
The problem is that the INL_log does not have RCD messages decoded.
Also, with the new ARMYTRACK output it may be that the rest of the WRN
messages are no longer required to be logged. Tom could tell us that
when he's finished rewriting the log parsing script for ARMYTRACK. So a
solution might be to add RCD decoding, suppress EVENTLOG mode, and have
ARMYTRACK messages forced into the messages structure regardless.
4) "* Default team names, or force people to choose team name before
I haven't yet investigated this, but I thought the team names default to
Home and Away. If so, we'll have to ask Tom to clarify.
If any of you want to grab one of those, please do so, and write back,
otherwise I'll choose from them tonight (it's Monday in Sydney right
now) in the two hours of coding I'll have available.
James Cameron (
OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH,
COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers,
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