On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 02:51:46PM -0500, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> > I can do nightly rsync's of the box down to my file server at home.. that
> > way, if something blows up, we've got an offsite copy of it. Won't help
> > for 'oops i deleted the wrong file two days ago', though.
> sounds good. thanks nate. :)
> btw, does anyone have a 19" rack shelf they'll sell me at reasonable cost? I
> need it for this TCWUG server. I'd like to buy it outright just so there's
> no doubts about who owns it (a computer that I own, in a rack that I own,
> sitting on a small part that I don't own, makes things too complicated when
> it comes to relocating stuff); but I promise to use it in the service of the
> LUG. :)


Mike Horwath           IRC: Drechsau         drechsau at Geeks.ORG
Home: 763-540-6815  1901 Sumter Ave N, Golden Valley, MN  55427
Opinions stated in this message, or any message posted by myself
through my Geeks.ORG address, are mine and mine alone, period.