On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 05:33:36PM -0500, Andy Warner wrote:

> Speak up Matt. If that's what you're planning, I can supply lat/long/sig/noise
> plots for this AP, and you can save the gas.

It depends on how much data, and what format for if it'll be usable.

> >  We're not inventing any wheels here; we're simply using (and improving?) 
> > the ones other people invented -- kismet & gpsdrive, et al -- which paint 
> > a clearer picture.
> I'll take issue that kismet graphs really show meaningful
> coverage (hearing one packet does not mean that you can
> associate, or move data), but if you guys have the time,
> go ahead.

The range graphs are obviously simply the range in which the noise propogates,
but the radiation graphs are much more useful and correct..


Although, you do need to have a sufficient data to make a good map, and
when you're zoomed out too far it's inaccurate 
ie: http://www.poptix.net/gallery/boundary/all_radiation


> -- 
> andyw at pobox.com
> Andy Warner		Voice: (612) 801-8549	Fax: (208) 575-5634

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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