On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 14:23:52 -0500
Jay <jay-lists at 3pound.com> wrote:

> In the last few hours, I'm leaning towards keeping the 7004AWBR (given
> the price) and using it at a different location .. which still leaves
> me in need of an AP at home.

Follow up, for anyone curious:

I've since returned he SMC-70004AWBR and the card, my impulse shopping
cost me about $20 (partial restock) in the end. The final straw was
several users complaining of "needing to be reset" (read: stops
working): http://www.practicallynetworked.com/opinions/?pid=377&pg=1&p=

Reportedly, the earlier model of this same unit is fairly stable.
