I now have (temporarily) a 24db parabolic antenna and 500 mW amplifier
for "testing" purposes.  I see a few links on the web site that are
planned.  It would be quite easy and fun to test these links.  I do not
know how long I will have this equiptment in my possesion, but I would
love to donate my time and whatnot to testing the links between some of
the tcwug nodes.  I also have a 8db omni that we can use if there is not
already at one the prospective sites.  And  if there are some sights
that are still in the "well.. I don't know if it would work anyway"
stages, I have access to enough AP's that we can certainly set up a
connection from point A to point B without needing anything other than
power.  And of course, both Matt and I have inverters in our vehicles,
so really,  we can test a link between any two points (ground level),
and gather lots of interesting data.

more random thouhts...

http://autonomous.tv/			       spencer at autonomous.tv
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