On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 09:33:29AM -0500, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
>Since there was some discussion about setting up our own webserver/auth
>server/whatever at a co-lo, I went ahead and did it.
>killdeer.tcwug.org [1]
>there is currently *no content* on it; but if/when we'd like our own box for
>DNS, authentication, downloads, whatever; there it is. 
I have to admit Carl,  at first read I was like WTF about the host name.
Thanks for including a description :)
Thanks for putting the server up!  That is the best.  I think it would
be a great idea to use this box for doing the DNS stuff we are
discussing, and whatever other uses why come up with.
>[1] For those not familiar with our birds, a killdeer is a
>small-medium sized white and brown bird with three black bands around its
>neck. It's cry sounds like 'killdeer! killdeer! killdeer!', hence the name.
>I figured bird names would be a good naming scheme for a wireless group's
>computers, 'robin' and 'bluejay' were too lame, and the box isn't big
>enough to justify 'eagle' or 'thunderbird'. 'killdeer' is the first thing
>that came to mind.
>Carl Soderstrom.
>Network Engineer
>Real-Time Enterprises

http://autonomous.tv/			       spencer at autonomous.tv
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