On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 08:20:32AM -0500, Jima wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, steve ulrich wrote:
> > i think that we might want to distribute our dns a bit and
> > we need to make provisions for folks that have dynamic addresses (from
> > cable providers, etc)

>  I've hacked together a fairly simple way to do the latter.  I've had 
> client machines periodically run wget (through cron), hitting a CGI script 
> on a web server, which checks the IP (via the $REMOTE_ADDR variable) 
> against the IP it has for the hostname (specified in the request).  If 
> it's the same, nothing happens; if it's different, it updates the DNS 
> record.

Since there was some discussion about setting up our own webserver/auth
server/whatever at a co-lo, I went ahead and did it.

killdeer.tcwug.org [1]

there is currently *no content* on it; but if/when we'd like our own box for
DNS, authentication, downloads, whatever; there it is. 

[1] For those not familiar with our birds, a killdeer is a
small-medium sized white and brown bird with three black bands around its
neck. It's cry sounds like 'killdeer! killdeer! killdeer!', hence the name.
I figured bird names would be a good naming scheme for a wireless group's
computers, 'robin' and 'bluejay' were too lame, and the box isn't big
enough to justify 'eagle' or 'thunderbird'. 'killdeer' is the first thing
that came to mind.

Carl Soderstrom.
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises