Linux-AP-with-captive-portal offering. There's another
one in the works from Musenki (,
but they are (re)implementing NoCatAuth in C, instead of
Perl, to be more friendly to smaller footprint embedded

----- Forwarded message from "David L. Sifry" <dsifry at> -----

From: "David L. Sifry" <dsifry at>
To: Sameer Verma <sverma at>
Cc: nocat <nocat at>
Date: 22 Feb 2002 23:25:28 -0800
Subject: Re: [NoCatNet] NoCatAuth on the map


Thanks for the kind words.  

Before I talk about Sputnik, I'd like to take a moment and wish Rob my
sympathies and wishes for a quick recovery!  Even though we've never
met, I was deeply shocked when I heard about your accident.  Rob, if
you're reading this - get well soon, man.  And thanks for the code.

Yep, our new company, Sputnik, has created an all-in-one Smart AP (uses
the HostAP drivers for Linux), router, dynamic firewall (iptables-based)
with bandwidth shaping, and a modified NoCatAuth captive portal that
authenticates with our backend authentication, settlement and billing
systems.  It doesn't currently authenticate against RADIUS, Active
Directory, or NDS just yet, these are some additional features that
we're building into the backend as we speak.  It fits down into an ISO
image you can burn onto a CD (48MB currently), and when you boot from
the CD, it completely bypasses your hard disk (IOW you don't need a hard
disk) and turns your computer into an embedded smart AP with

All you need is an old computer, a Prism2-based PCMCIA 802.11 card, and
an ethernet connection.  It figures out the rest. Well, most of the
time. :-)

Oh, and by the way, all of the gateway code is open source, including
the changes and improvements we made to NoCatAuth (well _duh_, it's
GPL'd code).  I don't have things in a state with a patch file against
the latest tree, but all the perl code is on the CD, so you can view it
and perhaps someone can help out and turn it into a patch file.

One of the nice improvements we made is that we now open a tunnel to the
authentication server that allows 2-way communication between the
gateway and the authentication server even if the gateway is behind a
fiewall, NATted, etc.  In other words, you don't have to put the gateway
on a public IP with port 5280 open.  

It also means that we can do some nice systems management and update
features as well, like automated s/w updates and bug fixes, and some
cool wireless management like dynamic channel management (automatically
change the 802.11b channel the AP uses based on S/N ratio and based on
the knowledge of the channel used and location of nearby gateways) and
"poor man's 802.11h" which allows us to turn up or down the power of the
AP based on S/N ratio and the location of clusters of nearby Sputnik
gateways as well.  

All of these features are part of the open source gateway code.  We will
also be making plugins and other code that will not be open source, and
those will be part of our high-end Sputnik Enterprise Gateway that is
geared more at solving the problems that big enterprises have with
wireless deployments, like integration into systems management platforms
like OpenView and Tivoli, authentication systems like smart cards and
biomentrics, and our back-end billing and settlement systems.

All of the Sputnik Gateway code is open source - either derivative work
of code like NoCatAuth or our own code which is released under the GPL,
and it is our goal to foster a strong development community - we think
that having a stable secure platform for wireless apps is critical, and
we would like to see the Sputnik Gateway become that platform.  In the
end, it is our goal to create a drop-dead simple, smart, secure,
authenticated 802.11 network that brings back the control of wireless
broadband out of the hands of the monopolists, and back to all of us.

If you want to find out more, check out our development site:
<>, and go and download the code:
<>.  We'll be
putting up more development resources soon, like public CVS,
bugtracking, and mailing list archives.  You can join the gateway
developers list by going to <>.

NoCatAuth developers, thanks again for all the hard work and dedication
you've put in so far.  I hope our code can help make NoCatAuth even
better.  Rob, if you've gotten this far without falling asleep, get well
soon, and keep up the good work!!!


On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 20:45, Sameer Verma wrote:
> Folks,
> Last night at the BAWUG meeting, Dave Sifry of Linuxcare fame presented 
> his new (Sputnik's) team's new work. A one-in-all package that works as 
> a Base Station (in full AP mode using prism2 chipset) and does 
> authentication with backend methods including a DB, RADIUS, LDAP, Active 
> Directory (i.e. LDAP in W2K), Novell Directory Services (NDS). It has a 
> bunch of features that I won't go into since it will take a while to 
> type :-). Perhaps Dave can post the presentation for us somewhere.
> All through the presentation, I was thinking to myself "This sounds like 
> NoCatAuth on steroids!!!". And guess what? At the end of the 
> presentation, he did mention that for those who are really into this 
> stuff, and for those people who really work with the software, the 
> Sputnik Gateway ( is a variant of NoCatAuth.
> :-):-):-) (these three smileys are dedicated to Rob's (and everyone 
> else's) hard work paying off. Get well soon.)
> Very cool indeed!!!
> Sameer
> -- 
> Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> Asst. Professor of Information Systems
> San Francisco State University
> San Francisco CA 94132 USA
David L. Sifry                   dsifry at
Cofounder and Chief Technology Officer, Sputnik Inc
Phone: 408.497.3120               Fax: 415.354.3342 

----- End forwarded message -----

andyw at

Andy Warner		Voice: (612) 801-8549	Fax: (208) 575-5634