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Re: (ASCEND) upgrading from 4.6A

> Does anyone know whats the filename is for the binary image for the
> pipeline 130 for software version 4.6C?
> I'm looking to upgrade a Pipeline 130 from 4.6A to the latest (or somewhat)

First of all, if you are looking to upgrade your Pipeline "to the latest"
then why are you going to 4.6C?  4.6C is 18 months and 2 (almost 3) revisions
out of date.  If you were going to upgrade to 4.6C, you should at least
upgrade to the last patch release of 4.6C (4.6Cp26)rather than 4.6C itself.

    Release-4.6C - Aug 1996
    Release-5.0A - Feb 1997
    Release-5.1A - Sep 1997
    Release-6.0A - real soon now

The current software release for the Pipeline 130 is 5.1Ap9.

Are you perhaps trying to follow the instructions found on the FTP site?


    If you are upgrading from software 4.6C or previous to version 5.0A or
    later, it is recommended that you perform the TFTP upgrade in three
    steps as follows:  
    Step #1 - TFTP Load version 4.6Ci18 and NVRAMCLEAR.
    Step #2 - TFTP Load version 5.0A and then NVRAMCLEAR.
    Step #3 - TFTP Load version 5.0AXX and then NVRAMCLEAR.
    This is due to the changes in flash memory management that have taken
    place in 5.0A.  Failure to adhere to this procedure may cause your
    Pipeline/Max lose or corrupt its configuration, and possibly render
    the unit unusable.
The information on the binary image filenames can also be found on the FTP

For instance, in the Release-4.6C directory, it states explicitly:

  250-The Pipline image file names are as follows:
  250-p50brib.bin                 Pipeline 50,75,130 BRI w/ toggle switch

This information is kept in the .message file and displayed automatically
when you "cd" to the directory.

For 4.6Ci18 - the binary image filename is:
For 5.0A - the binary image filename is:
[NOTE: Users of the Pipeline 130 V.35 model should load 5.0Ap1, due to TR#1839,
 which appeared in 5.0A and is resolved in 5.0Ap1.]

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