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(ASCEND) NAT Routing


About a month ago I posted an email asking if anyone knew how to get the
Ascend P50 to accept a single dynamic IP and do NAT routing for the rest
of the internal network. I got a few replies but not much help, and to be
honest I didn't persue it all that much. Well today I deceided to sit down
and really give it wack! :)

Well I got it to work, thanks to the Ascend Tech support, and it turns out
that I probably had it right a month ago when I followed the instructions
from the web page. The thing that I found was that from ISP side I
couldn't ping the IP address that it was assigned and when I did show ip
route on the P50 it never showed a "proper" route table, meaning it never
showed my route to the ISP with the IP address that I was supposed to get.
>From all of my past experience I just thought I wasn't connecting because
the route table didn't look right and I couldn't ping it :) I never
bothered to hook it up to a machine and test it. According to Ascend this
is what it's supposed to do. 

So basically for anyone trying to do the same thing I did, hook it up to a
machine once you think you have it configured right and see if you can go
anywhere on the net. There is no way I could figure out if I was connected
from the P50 terminal screen. If Ascend could get it so that the IP
address would at least show up in the route table, and I could ping the
box from the net would be nice. :)


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