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RE: (ASCEND) ISDN Up all the time??!!

> I had setup some netbuei filters (to no avail) but thats about it.. that
> line has been popin up for the last year or so.. we just lived with it..
> ;-(

There is no reason to "just live with it", if you don't want to.  All it takes
is a little bit of time and effort and you can have it behave the way you want.

Here is a step-by-step check list to get you going - you'll have to supply the
rest of the time and effort.

#1  - Check the "Proxy Mode" parameter configuration 

      Main Edit Menu>Ethernet>Mod Config>Ether options...>Proxy Mode. 

      Make sure it is set to "Off". For more information on this parameter 
      please check the Reference Guide that came with your router. 

      Alternatively, if your application requires the use of Proxy Mode, 
      then make sure the parameter is set to be "Active".  This will cause 
      the Pipeline to respond only when the connection is up. 

#2  - Check the "Call Filter" parameter for the connection

      Main Edit Menu>Ethernet>Connections>[name]>Session options...>Call Filter

      Make sure you have selected a call filter (value != 0).  If you have
      not selected a call filter then you may need to configure one and select
      it in the profile.

#3  - Check the Diagnostic messages to get a record of the calling packet

      Using the Diagnostic "wdDialout" command to enable recording a hexdump
      of the packet which forced the Pipeline to dial out.  You can then
      check the diagnostic messages after the Pipeline dials out unexpectedly
      and determine why the Pipeline dialed and write a filter rule to add
      to the Call filter to prevent the packet from doing it in the future.

      You can enter Diagnostic mode in two different ways.

      The first is to use a "DO" command.  You can select a "DO" command by
      entering a ctrl-d (pressing the "control" key and "d" keys at the same
      time) a console window.  You will want to select the "D=Diagnostics"
      DO command.

      The second is to enter the command "Esc [ Esc =" (where Esc represents
      the Escape key) in less than three seconds.

      Once you are in Diagnostic mode you will see a ">" prompt.

      Enter the command "wdDialout".  wdDialout is a like toggle switch.
      Each time you enter the command you will switch from OFF to ON, or
      ON to OFF.  You want to turn the Wan Display (wd) for dialout packets

      The Pipeline will tell you "WANDATA dialout display is ON".
      You can leave yourself connected to the diagnostic window or you
      can exit Diagnostic mode by entering "quit".  If you quit, then
      the next time you enter Diagnostic mode, the information that has
      been buffered will be displayed.

      You want to capture this information.

      The information you capture when you did not expect the Pipeline to
      dialout will help you write the packet filter needed to prevent it.
      Once you have this information, you can post another message to the
      mailing list and we can help you decode it.

#4  - You can also configure the Pipeline to never "dial-on-demand",
      when it sees a packet that needs to go over the WAN connection.

      In this case, it will only dial when you force it to dial from
      the Connection console window.

      Most people do not want this so I will not go into detail on it.
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