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(ASCEND) Another idea: ISDN Up all the time??!!

There have been lots of ideas on how to stop isdn up all the time.
I´m looking for a really hard method, which works, whatever people have
running on their pc, workstation and so on.
So is there a chance to tell the pipes via snmp that e.g. the used
connection profile is not active any more?
This would make it possible, to have the power of the pipeline on and
make a break in  working on the PC, without thinking about any problem
with isdn up all the time.
When I want to continue working, I´d like to say hello to the pipe via
snmp, your connection profile is up again.
Something like this, is it possible? If so, which snmp-entry could be
used with e.g. snmpset ....
Any solution, any idea?
Norbert Wegener

Norbert Wegener					Mail:
SBS Essen						Fax: (49) 201 2661 768
Germany							Phone: (49) 201 2661 379
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