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Re: (ASCEND) Secure Access Firewall

Be aware that once your firewall IS enabled you will not be able to
update it if tftp is not enabled for the router.  In my case, I have to
disable, reboot, update, enable, reboot.  This is true at least when
running Secure Access Manager from the WAN side.

Also, I have had no luck enabling anti-spoof protection.  It seems to
simply block all traffic.

Make sure you check all entries in the incoming and outgoing side,
especially if you use one of the examples as a template.  There could be
some bogus addresses in there.

Overall, as they state, that which is not explicity enabled is disabled by

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998 wrote:

> I just purchased the Secure Access Firewall for my TNTs and Pipeline 75s.  
> I am aware of the basics surrounding firewalls but I have never constructed 
> one.
> Does anyone have recommendations on implementation of Ascend's Secure 
> Access Firewall, good books to read, classes to attend, tricks of the trade,
>  and or pitfalls to steer away from.
> Thanks 
> Mitch
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