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Re: (ASCEND) Problem with rlogin from tnt

The most recent frimware version for the TNT that I know of is 1.3ap24 
which was released only a few weeks ago.  It does fix many problems and 
included the latest Rockwell code for the K56 Flex modems.  Many noticable 
improvements in this upgrade.
Original Text
From: Tim Basher <>, on 2/6/98 7:43 PM:
To: <>

> According to our rlogind man page, the daemon drops a client request if
> the client's source port is not in the 512-1023 range.  I need a way to
> make sure the TNT rlogins to our machine from a legal port.
> I checked the source port on the TNT via tcpdump, and saw it was in the
> mid 130's.
> There has got to be a better way of addressing this besides reseting the
> tnt.

The first thing to do is check the release notes for more recent versions
of TNT software.  The problem might already have been fixed.  [I didn't see
it but...]

The second thing you need to do is contact Ascend technical support and
report a bug so that they can open a trouble ticket and have an engineer
fix the problem.

Save your tcpdump information to provide to support if they ask for it.

The third thing you can try to do, if you don't want to reset the TNT is
try to get the TNT to cycle through the ports until it gets back to the
valid range.

I can see two ways to do this.   The first is to write a perl/expect script
to telnet to the TNT and try to make about 130 rlogin connections.  The
second is to just dial the TNT yourself and authenticate as an rlogin user
wait for the failure and then hang up.  This shouldn't take more than an
hour at the most and then your TNT should be ready again.
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