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re: (ASCEND) multiple TNT's supporting MP

I run two TNTs with 11 PRI circuits spread across both chassis.  They are 
configured as shelf 1 and 2.  I have 2,000 modem a dozen Pipeline/ISDN 
users running MPP.  My ISDN circuits are constantly opening and closing the 
second channel without a problem.  I only have one phone number to get to 
all my PRI circuits.

The master shelf controller treats all resources as if they were all part 
of the same TNT.

What you are attempting to do can be done... no sweat!

Original Text
From: Joe Pautler <>, on 2/13/98 10:36 
To: "Ascend Mailing List" <>

Here's a real easy question for any of you guys who have multiple
TNT stacks, supporting ISDN MP.  Do you have a seperate phone number
for each TNT stack?  With only one number, you could end up with the 2nd
channel on a different TNT stack than the first, and not be able to
do MP, right?  Just checking.  Thanks in advance for any replies.

Joe Pautler, E.I.T.                             University at Buffalo
CIT/OSS Network Engineering                     224 Computing Center             (716) 645-3536

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