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I think I am going insane, can someone provide me with any pointers?.

I have a MAX 4000 which currently handles 1 PRI and 1 Chann-T1 (DS0
access). The box also has 6 8MOD-S56 cards, which are not used. It is
running 5.0Ap23 at this point (planning to upgrade to Ap42 in the near

I am trying to place a 2nd PRI into the box. The first PRI is working
fine; however, when we try to activate the 2nd one, things break... :(
(the first PRi is on WAN-3; I am 'trying' to get the 2nd to use WAN-4) 

Telco info:
	Brooks Fiber
	NAO4 (whatever this is)

Line config:	NTI	ESF	B8ZS	CLock=Yes

I have tried the following:
	* Both lines configured as ISDN	-> No luck
		The D-chan on the second line never comes up, missing
D-channel. (DF indication on the status window)

	* ISDN-NFAS			-> no luck
		According to my screen, both lines come up, as well as the
trunks.  According to the telco, the first PRI has idle trunks, but the
second one has them locked... :( = Cannot receive any calls on either one
of the PRIs.

The Telco Tech read up a little on NFAS and indicated that their switch
(DMS-100) cannot do such thing. (is this correct?)

What am I missing? -- Is what I am trying to do that hard?

 Jorge Paramo        |_ _|___  ___ _ ____   _     Iserv Company
                      | |/ __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / /   4604 44th St SE       | |\__ \  __/ |   \ V / Grand Rapids, MI 49512
                     |___|___/\___|_|    \_/      (616) 493-3720       

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