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(ASCEND) pipeline 75 redial

>Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 15:04:53 -0600
>From: "Jim Marx" <>
>We have recently installed and are using a pipeline 75 router with our
>We have been experiencing random 'freezing' of the pipeline for no apparent
>reason that we can determine.  In other words, the LEDs are lit as normal,
>but no traffice gets through. The pipeline will not automatically hang up
>and redial, and the only way we can restart is to do it via the terminal,
>or physically unplug the ISDN jack and replug it back in.

I am seeing this, too.

>We have submitted this to the Ascend support group, but they don't seem to
>have time to deal with this.

Did they not call you at 9:00pm after you had left the offce for
three hours?

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