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(ASCEND) Does MP(+) bite SAM ?


(I traced a bit through the list but didn't find related problems
so I ask)

We have connected a Max1800 with a 2 B-channel leased line to another
1800. They already had a connection for a long time, but it was dialed.
The 1800 in question is running 5.0Ap42 now (ran 4.6C before) and has
an ASA firewall running on the profile that connects to the other 1800.

The problem:

The ASA firewall does nonsense. It rejects packets that clearly should
be passed accordingt to the ASA rules. This has worked for more than a
year before without a hassle, so we tried whether it is an issue of multi-
channel connections. It appears that it is indeed so - as soon as we
reduce the MP+ connection (you know, it must be MP+ because it must be
Nailed/Mpp so we can specify more than one Group, I know that MP+ and
Nailed/Mpp are by no means technically necessary, it's just an Ascend
flake I'm riding on for months now without seeing much recognition) to
_one_ B channel, ASA works again like a charm as it always did. And it
immediately starts to show the erratic behavior again when the conn
gets up to 2 channels again. It seems to me that ASA is mixing up the
packets that come in on different channels and sometimes either sees
the second before the first or generally doesn't match packets on
different channels to the same connection.

We've opened a Ticket on this with ETAC, but I want to ask here anyway:
Anyone seen this ? Any fixes (besides decreasing bandwidth or disabling
the firewall both working fine but suboptimal) ? Other Tips/Hints ?



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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