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Re: (ASCEND) Multilink PPP across Maxen

Enable stacking under Ethernet->Mod-Config->Stack-Options.  Set
Stacking=Yes, make the name of the stack the same on each box as well as
the UDP port.  I'm not sure if you'll have to reboot the MAX or not, but
thisi is all you need to do to get stacking working if the version of code
you're using doesn't have stacking broken.

Joe Shaw -
NetAdmin - Insync Internet Services

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, J-Mag Guthrie wrote:

> I've got 4 PRIs that rollover for dial-up customers.  Sometimes, when a
> 128k dial-up customer calls, there's only one channel open on the first
> box, so he can only get 64k. Is there a way to let him get his second
> channel off the second Max?  If so, what do I need to do to the Maxen to
> make this work?  
> - J-Mag Guthrie
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