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Re: (ASCEND) Static Default Route

We use dynamic routes (RIPv2) propagated from our MAX group back to a
Cisco core router.  The customer sets his 'default route' to the
first max in our pool.  When he logs in, his routing entry is
propagated from the MAX he connects to back to our core router.
This allows him to hit any one of our 7 MAXes but maintain his

A good radius profile for this type of connection looks like:

user    Password = "XXX"
        User-Service = Framed-User,
        Framed-Protocol = MPP,
        Ascend-Route-IP = Route-IP-Yes,
        Ascend-Metric = 10,
        Framed-Address =,
        Framed-Netmask =,
        Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2,
        Ascend-Idle-Limit = 64000

This will propagate the route through the MAX and
back to the core router.  The customer sets his default route
to any one (although we pick the first one) of the MAXes on our

At 09:41 AM 6/9/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>we have several MAX4000 as DialIn-Pool. The customer will reach all of
>the MAXes over the same telefonnumber, but he cannot decide wich of them
>he will be connected to. For "normal" DialIn-Users no problem because
>they will get their IP-address dynamicly. There also exist some
>DialIn-users with dedicated IP-Adresses. For this we work with the
>But now there is a customer, who must give his Router a static
>DefaultRoute. But we cannot decide over wich Max he will be connectet.
>So we cannot give him a static IP-Address for his DefaultRoute.
>Is there a possibility to do that??
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