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Re: (ASCEND) Dialin fails to Termserv

At 07:29 PM 6/10/98 +0200, you wrote:
>I'm running a 4030 under Ascend Radius. Something "funny" just
>On of my clients connected from a Windows box using terminal,
>got the PPP failed response, and found himself under the MAX
>Termserv ... ... ...
>I've never seen this before. Someone's got a clue ? My Radius profile
>stipulates PPP etc ... and equivalent profiles works w/o problem
>for other users.

This has happened to us a few times on some accounts.  What fixed it was
just making a minor change to the user's radius profile.  Just add or
remove (deppends if it's there already or not..)  Service-Type = Login-User

Because it doesn't happen very often, I've just written it off as a radius
glitch and never give it much thought.


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