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Re: (ASCEND) Dialin fails to Termserv

 I have had this happen. The thing to do is immediately make sure you 
have proper security setup so they can't do anything when they get there. 
If not they can do what ever they want.


>Yeah this has happen a few times, I rebooted the max and it doesn't
>happen for a few months.
>I have wrote a few emails to this list in the past. but no response
>Michael Hallgren wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running a 4030 under Ascend Radius. Something "funny" just
>> happened.
>> On of my clients connected from a Windows box using terminal,
>> got the PPP failed response, and found himself under the MAX
>> Termserv ... ... ...
>> I've never seen this before. Someone's got a clue ? My Radius profile
>> stipulates PPP etc ... and equivalent profiles works w/o problem
>> for other users.
>> Cheers
>> Michael
>> --
>> Michael Hallgren                Graphnet France
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