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(ASCEND) Network connections briefly dropped - Pipeline 75

I am using an Ascend Pipeline P75 (software release 6.1.0)
connected via a hub to a box running Linux and I also have a box
running Windows 95 on the network.  I am dialing into an ISP who features
USR Total Control equipment (sorry ;) and getting a single dedicated
address from them.  The connection I establish is a 128k MPP connection
with STAC compression enabled.  On the Pipeline side, I am using NAT routing
so that outbound access is transparent... the machines on the Pipeline
side are using addresses in the 192.168.1.x range.  I have several (in
fact, all ten) static mappings defined so that ports on the Linux box
can be reached from the outside.

Anyways, just wanted to be somewhat descriptive of how I have things
set up here.  

The main problem is that periodically, without rhyme or
reason at any random interval, when you make an outbound connection
(say, for instance, a telnet to another host outside of my, or the
ISP's own network) from inside this 192.168 network... everything
is fine for awhile and then the connection just inexplicably dies.
You can immediately try to re-establish the telnet or whatever and it
works right away.... but moments or hours later, it might just die
again.  The connection (network or ISDN) doesn't need to be idle for this
to happen.  The router still reports a solid 128k connection immediately
after this happens.  I am fairly confident nothing happens to the actual
ISDN connection itself... and that nothing's happening on the Total
Control port.

I'm wondering if anyone's ever experienced this before.  Is there any
settings on the Pipeline that might need to be tweaked or adjusted
here?  Is there any way to debug a possible network problem
while using the Pipeline?  Is it an issue with the 6.1.0 Pipeline code?
Any help, suggestions, ideas would be much appreciated.  Please forward
any replies or questions to me at    Thanks.  :)

joseph wisdom
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