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(ASCEND) RELEASE 6.0.8 for the MAX family

Release 6.0.8 for the MAX family has been given to Customer Support and
Manufacturing. This release contains the following:

*  Add support for monitoring redundant power supplies on the MAX 6000
*  Make dial out timer user-configurable

TR 2900        PPP frames were frequently split across 2 TCP segments.
TR 3274        TS Idle did not work when used with Immediate Service
TR 3336        CLID authenticated MP calls through internal ISDN terminal
               adapters were not cleared correctly.
TR 250229      v.110 calls stopped routing to v.110 after a number of calls.
TR 250236      MAX 4000 with one PRI and three cross-over lines returned
               fatal error 1or fatal error-8 when run in overnight tests with 
               OSPF and Ethernet network traffic.
TR 250241      No DNIS authentication on BT DASS-2 primary rate lines.
TR 250267      MAX 4000 and MAX 6000 connected to a Nokia Switch did not
               accept traffic from the network.
TR 250289      MAX 4000 incorrectly interpreted TCP-Clear packets as Async-PPP
TR 1000012     MAX 1800 and MAX 2000 had no menu of Multicast for a long time.

Rockwell code version
Release 6.0.8 supports Rockwell K56flex code version 1.160T. 

Kevin Smith			Ascend Communications...
Customer Satisfaction	...where Network Solutions never end.

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