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(ASCEND) Fix First

I wouldn't call 5.0Ap51 mature or stable until they fix our outstanding
problems (ticket 182685, 205240, 205284, TR#250249).  And they certainly
had better not add new features to a patch version.

Mike Berger
Shouting Ground Technologies, Inc.

> From: "Chris A. Epler" <>
> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 19:34:34 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) 6.0.8 - v.90?
> On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Kevin A. Smith wrote:
> On a related note, it would be very nice to have v.90 support in a load that
> is more mature such as 5.0Ap51.  I will NOT go to 6.x until I know it is
> stable, I've been bitten by Ascend's load of the week (and resulting 100's
> of phone calls from customers) too many times.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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