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Re: (ASCEND) 2 Channel leased line with P50

Welcome to the club.
Ascend does not support 2-channel links with a p50.
We tried this a lot of time without success, then we gave up.
Maybe you contact Ascend Germany for further information.

See the message below:

> From: (Christof Rohlaender)
> Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 00:10:42 -0800
> Subject: (ASCEND) P50 and D64S/2 in Germnay
> Hi all,
> to stop the confusion of the 2 channel leased lines issue, 
> here the clarification:
> P50 does not support 2 channel leased lines.
> In my mail, months ago, i described a workaround how to use
> the P50 with a D64S/2. This works on my D64S/2, but on some other sites it
> doesn't.
> The reason is the delay between the two b-channels.
> On my D64S/2 the delay is almost 0.
> SuperDig128 is not designed to run on 2 channel leased lines,
> it a special service in Japan, but on my(and some other)D64S/2 it works great.
> So be aware, that this is NOT a guaranteed functionality of the P50....
> If someone wants to give it a try, that's o.k.,
> but if it doesn't work, there is nothing i can do.
> However, I will submit a feature request, and hope to
> get this functionality soon.....
> I also heard that some customers have problems to intall a two channel
> leased line
> between two MAX1800's or two MAX's. This MUST work. The description, how to
> configure,
> is at

Caveat: at least this is true for German ISDN lines! B-channel delay may
not be an issue elsewhere.

Greetings to Andre Beck <> - he knows how to handle German
Telekom lines with Japanese switch settings... <g>

>>> "Stefan M. Brandl" <> 06/25 3:52 PM >>>
We want to establish a 2-channel leased line (D64S2 in Germany)
between a P50 (Software 6.0.2) and a Cisco4500 (IOS 11.2-12).
The problem is, that I only get the full bandwith (128k) in
the direction Cisco->P50. From the P50 towards the Cisco I only
get 64k (one channel).

I think the Problem is the configuration of the P50, but where?

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