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Re: (ASCEND) 2 Channel leased line with P50

In article <> you wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 1998 at 05:36:18PM +0200, Hubert Felber wrote:
>> Welcome to the club.

> This club was closed with 6.x ;)

This is what I thought.

>> Ascend does not support 2-channel links with a p50.

> They do.

Witg 6.x they SHOULD do.

> You have two options:

> 1) SuperDig128
>    Aka low level B-channel bundling in a S0 frame (likely B1B2B1B2)
>    to get a 128kbps aggregate. This _can_ work with D64S2, but it as
>    well _can_ fail. The reason that it almost always fails is the sense
>    of correctness and order at the -T-- which always uses two Bs from
>    a PCM30 which are "besides each other". Due to the real picture of
>    the PCM30 modules (two columns of 15 rows, TS 1..15 left and 17..31
>    right) this introduces a delay of the second channel which is a bit
>    larger than half an octet time, causing a non octet synchronous bundle.
>    Short spoken - "Try it out" (Michael Faraday).

I tried it, but it didn't work for me.

> 2) Leased/Leased
>    This was finally fixed to be available in 6.x and it works. Due to
>    specific Ascend weirdness it is only possible to use it with Nailed/Mpp
>    (to be able to specify Group=1,2), while anybody else would think this
>    should work starting with MP.

OK, this is like our P50 is configured (Leased/Leased, Nailed/Mp, Group=1,2).

> Conclusio:

>     There _is_ a problem - if you go cross-platform. Cisco AFAIK neither
>     can use B1B2B1B2 bundling nor can it use MP+. But I have read on this
>     list that people successfully negotiated MP between a Cisco and a
>     P50 running Leased/Leased + Nailed/Mpp. So even that seems possible.

The strange thing is, that I get 128k in the direction Cisco->P50.
>From the P50 to the Cisco I only get 64k.
Maybe our Cisco is misconfigured?
This is how i did it:

isdn switch-type basic-net3
isdn leased-line BRI0
interface BRI0
 no ip address
interface BRI0:1
 description Deggendorf-B1
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 ip accounting output-packets
 encapsulation ppp
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 no keepalive
 no fair-queue
 compress stac
 no cdp enable
interface BRI0:2
 description Deggendorf-B2
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 ip accounting output-packets
 encapsulation ppp
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 no keepalive
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
ip route a.b.c.d BRI0:1
ip route a.b.c.d BRI0:2

Any hints?
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