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Re: (ASCEND) Re-iterate: 6.1.3 does NOT fix IP address pool leak

It's been my experiance that dicsconnect 42 can also be cause by no IP's
in the pool to assign to the call. I believe you are seeing the IP pool
leak problem here and just don't know it as such.

-Jesse Martinez-
East County Internet Services, Inc.
Voice (925)706-4280
Fax (925)706-4282
On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Troy Settle wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Jim Logan wrote:
> >  That's Funny, mine has been reset 2-3 times since and here's what I'm
> > getting with 31 users on line presently (Wonder if the call forwarding on
> > previous box is having effects???)
> I'm not sure about that call forwarding thing.  Where in the config is it,
> and what does it do?
> As for the pool leaks, I'm now up to 3 days, 1 hour, and still no leaks on
> my busiest box (or the other 3, with similar uptimes).  Currently 41 IPs
> in use, 43 sessions (2 MP).
> My config includes stacking (which seems to be working) and OSPF.
> The only thing that's causing problems, is what appears to be an extended
> handshake period.  Some of our users aren't able to connect to us
> reliably.  We're still working on that, will post our findings when we
> have something firm.
> A quick review of our failed connection attempts show a lot of calls with
> the following:
> P: 31
> D: 185/11
> Some of these have turned out to be lightning hits, but most seem to be
> coming from known good modems and lines.  Any suggestions would be
> helpful.
> P: 40
> D: 185/11
> As I'm posting this, I thought I'd check the timeout on listening for PPP
> packets, but can't seem to find it.  Anyone have a pointer?
> P: 65
> D: 42
> Yeah, I know a 42 disconnect is a bad username/password.  But, the
> frequency of these has increased since 6.1.3, and come from users that we
> know for a fact have enough clue not to screw up their passwords.
> --
>   Troy Settle <>
>   Network Administrator, iPlus Internet Services
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