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Re: (ASCEND) Re-iterate: 6.1.3 does NOT fix IP address pool leak

On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Jim Logan wrote:

>  That's Funny, mine has been reset 2-3 times since and here's what I'm
> getting with 31 users on line presently (Wonder if the call forwarding on
> previous box is having effects???)

I'm not sure about that call forwarding thing.  Where in the config is it,
and what does it do?

As for the pool leaks, I'm now up to 3 days, 1 hour, and still no leaks on
my busiest box (or the other 3, with similar uptimes).  Currently 41 IPs
in use, 43 sessions (2 MP).

My config includes stacking (which seems to be working) and OSPF.

The only thing that's causing problems, is what appears to be an extended
handshake period.  Some of our users aren't able to connect to us
reliably.  We're still working on that, will post our findings when we
have something firm.

A quick review of our failed connection attempts show a lot of calls with
the following:

P: 31
D: 185/11

Some of these have turned out to be lightning hits, but most seem to be
coming from known good modems and lines.  Any suggestions would be

P: 40
D: 185/11

As I'm posting this, I thought I'd check the timeout on listening for PPP
packets, but can't seem to find it.  Anyone have a pointer?

P: 65
D: 42

Yeah, I know a 42 disconnect is a bad username/password.  But, the
frequency of these has increased since 6.1.3, and come from users that we
know for a fact have enough clue not to screw up their passwords.

  Troy Settle <>
  Network Administrator, iPlus Internet Services

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