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Re: (ASCEND) DM-12 modems 'pausing' on Max 4004

I don't consider it an acceptable fix but in Win95 for instance you would
right click the DUN connection then "properties", "configure", "connection",
"port settings" and move te buffer sliders down to the 2nd notch from the
left. I believe this sets the buffer to either 4 or 8 bytes instead of the
normal 16.


Junichi Kurokawa wrote:

> In> Andrew Cutler wrote:
>   >Finally, until recently I couldn't believe no one else appeared to be
>   >seeing this type of problem with K56 connections. We are running ap36
>   >and neither I or anyone else had managed a single connection without
>   >long pauses or going to sleep completely. However the good news is that
>   >since turning down the FIFO buffers on the client machines we have not
> What does this "the FIFO buffers on the client machines" mean?  Sorry
> for the traffic, but I really couldn't care less.
> Regards,
> junichi
>   >seen any problems since. The last time I connected I was on for three
>   >hours without a problem. I would appreciate any feedback on whether this
>   >works for you.
>   >
>   >Cheers
>   >
>   >Cyril Jaouich wrote:
>   >
>   >> On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Wes Morgan wrote:
>   >>
>   >> > Hardware: Max 4004 w/DM-12 V.34 modems
>   >> > Software: 5.0Ap42
>   >> >
>   >> > Symptoms: Sending pings to dialin client reveal *LONG* pauses
>   >> >           (upwards of 10 seconds) with regularity.  It's almost
>   >> >           as if the Max just decides to buffer the traffic.  Very
>   >> >           few packets are bitbucketed; they just seem to be held
>   >> >           for a long time.
>   >> >
>   >> > Cause: That's what I'm hoping you folks can supply.
>   >>
>   >>         I am seeing the same with K56Flex modems, does anyone have an
>   >> explaination?
>   >>
>   >>         Thanks
>   >>
>   >> Cyril Jaouich [CJ837]
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