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Re: (ASCEND) Q:Dial-up Static IP Address

On Wed, Feb 25, 1998 at 11:38:35PM +0000, Oliver J. Albrecht wrote:
> In article <> you wrote:
> >surely there is a radius way to do this...
> >I am doing it, and I _do_ have "Pool Only=Yes",
> >but the pool is defined from radius (not directly in the max)
> >so I'm not sure if there is a difference.
> There ought to be no difference. We have several customers 
> with static IP's (some of them with entire Class-C nets), as well 
> as a high number of pool customers. The pools are defined in the 
> max configuration, not via radius. Pool Only is enabled.
> Of course the static IP's are not in the same (sub)net as the 
> pools and not part of the Ethernet Class-C net either.

Nearly dito. The only difference here is that the pool and occasional
static one-address assignments are "on" the ethernet. This is no
problem due to Proxy ARP (Proxy Mode=Active or Always). Pool Only=Yes
and Assign Addr=Yes, works well. Pool Only does mean nothing but "If the
profile get's an IP from a pool, than it will have no way to override the
assignment". IMHO an absolute must for security reasons, because it is not
implemented very fair (with Pool Only=Yes you _must_ accept the exact IP
assigned, with Pool Only=No you can request _any_ arbitrary IP and _get_
it. The best option is missing, that would be "Try to get the same IP that
I had on the last dial attempt and if the IP is not in use, give it to me,
else assign a new one, but never allow an off-pool IP". FR ?).

Lets see how 6.0 does ;)



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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