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If you have 4048s now, I wouldn't bother with the 3048s at all (unless
you're in a colo, paying by the inch, and don't need 6096's).

Yes, the 3048 is a stronger platform than the 4048 and is probably capable
of supporting larger stacks, but when it comes down to it, you'll be better
off with the 6000 chassis (fewer boxes to maintain).

If you seriously want to upgrade away from the 4048, try the 6048.  You can
move your modems from the 4048, and end up with a 6096 and a spare chassis
that can do T1 and/or ISDN calls.

About the only thing I can think of using a 3048 for, is if you only have 1U
left on your rack, or need a smaller solution for a small POP.

My $.02


** -----Original Message-----
** From:
** []On Behalf Of John David M.
** Miller
** Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 10:37 AM
** To:
** Subject: (ASCEND) MAX 3048
** Anyone out there running 3048s?
** How do you like them?
** We are looking to upgrade from our
** 4048s to newer units. The 3048s
** appear to run cooler, little faster,
** and have a few added features. At least
** this is what the sales lit. says. ;-)
** Anyone have a comparison between them and
** 6048s or 6096s?
** John Miller
** SAMnet
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