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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2579] SB etemp issue: case closed...?

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:06:37PM -0400, Dave Ahn wrote:
> Considering these facts and other observations (SB in clue games are
> more likely to have more docked ships compared to SB in pickup; SB in
> clue games will t/p more than in pickup), it's possible that some people
> are mistaking the docked ship cool rate penalty for an actual bug with
> the server in INL mode.
> There could be a real bug somewhere, though, but we were unable to reproduce
> it.

BZZZZT, thank you for playing.
When the starbase etemp bug hits, you gain etemp, at warp 2, with 

The problem is likely an improper decrement of docked ships, maybe
when they're killed, or tractored off, or something.