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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2879] Chung credit

I thought James Cameron enabled this by default?

 I agree it makes no logical sense.  As I recall this not allowing credit
due to plasma is consistent with not allowing credit due to death by photon.

It should be in the code by default, no need to memoralize Greg for
something he'd rather be forgotten for.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 04:54:15PM -0500, Jeffrey Nowakowski wrote:
> So I was talking to "pissedoffguest" and he mentioned the chung issue.
> I said it was fixed and he said there was an option in the code but
> Tanner refused to turn it on.
> So, I look in the code and there is a #define for NO_CHUNG_CREDIT, and
> it's defaulted to #undef.  Why is this a #define?  Why not just put
> the code in and leave it in.  There's too many damn #defines as it is.
> I've seen 3 players recently chung.  Even if it was only 1 person I
> don't see any logic in crediting DI to a player killing his own
> armies.
> -Jeff
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