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[VANILLA-L:516] RE: RGN: 24 Hour LPS thread

I've kinda been following this thread. I stopped when I thought that
it was the yearly lps-thread that gets going on rgn :)

The idea outlined below is an interesting one though. If you where
to go about this I think you'd either have to modify the INL robot or
the server itself to handle this. I'd suggest making the mods to the
server itself. I wouldn't depend on the INL robot right now since a lot
of work is being done on it.

Actually... most of this can be done through the .sysdef file. Make
CONFIRM>0, SURRSTART=10. The last piece you'd have to code.
I'd add a new sysdef option called SURRTIMER, and replace the 
#define SURRLENGTH in the server with a variable that can be set 
by the SURRTIMER option.

That would do it I think.


>From: 	Bob Tanner[]
>Sent: 	Friday, April 18, 1997 10:58 AM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	[VANILLA-L:515] RGN: 24 Hour LPS thread
>If any of you have been following the 24 Hour LPS thread on RGN you
>will know there is a big debate about the LPS timer. 
>Here is one of the best solutions I have seen.
>Chris Laas ( wrote:
>: 4)  Proposal:  Start the "LPS" timer at the start of the game, and make
>: it 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours long, or so.  This would make pickup a lot more
>: like INL; the timer would likely liven up the game, and you'd still have
>: your beginning, middle, and end.  I really like this idea.
>I responded with this.
>: I too like this idea. BUT I would like the server to be able to reset
>: itself into this mode maybe 3 times a day. After the 90 minute total
>: LPS game, reset itself again to be a "normal" server.
>Can this be done in the current server?
>Would the INL robot help out here?
>I really think this would be a cool feature.
>Robert J. Tanner <> | Phone : 612.943.8700
>                | Fax   : 612.943.8300
>Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66  62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 