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[VANILLA-L:468] bug report from vlouie

Vincent Louie - AERE/F92 writes :
> 2) When planets are taken out of t-mode, the timer isn't started.  If the 
>   score is 17-3 before losing some players and the twinks put it to 19-1, 
>   the timer isn't activated until it pushes up past 2/5 and then is dropped 
>   back below it.  This could make games into eternal l.p.s.'s if one side
>   can't ever geno and the other side can't get 3 planets.

I have a pretty good idea of why this is happening - the genocide timer stuff
is all inside an "if (tmode)" branch.  However, I don't have a place to fix and
test at the moment, so if anybody else out there can squish this, please do!


       Alec Habig, Boston University Particle Astrophysics Group