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Re: [VANILLA-L] geno hours and no geno hours

Quoting James Cameron (
> Bob Tanner wrote:
> > Anything in the server to allow for "no geno timer" hours.
> Set something up that will modify your .sysdef from a crontab trigger,
> change SURRSTART to zero or -1 for "no geno timer".
> The default in ntserv/data.c is equivalent to the .sysdef line
> which is also in the default .sysdef file, docs/sample_sysdef

Great, I got that. But when does the change in the .sysdef take place?
Like if a pickup game is running at 5:59pm and the cron job runs and
changes .sysdef file does the new changes take place or do I have to
reset the server?

Speaking of reset, how do I the lexus functionality of nuking everyone
at the appropriate time and resetting the server?

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : 612.943.8700                | Fax   : 612.943.8300
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