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Re: (ASCEND) linux authentication trouble

 Remove the password under ether-->mod config-->tserv options->passwd

Once you zero that password out then you shouldn't have a password prompt
during the dial-up

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations
Network Access
Erols Internet

On Mon, 9 Feb 1998, ukeiko wrote:

> Ok, I have what should be a simple question for the Ascend mailing list.
> I do pro-bono work for a local ISP.  I wasn't around for the
> installation 
> of their Ascend Max 4000 and the last few months have been my first
> exposure
> to this piece of gear.  From what I understand Ascend pretty much did
> what
> it took to get the gear up and running, but the configuration hasn't
> been
> tweaked the way it should by a knowledgable tech.
> Anyway, I'm trying to debug a problem one of our linux users is having
> dialing 
> up.  I've isolated the problem down to the fact that the Max is
> prompting
> for for the low level, system maintance password.  I used mini-com to
> capture
> the session at a Max 4000 (which is giving us the probem) and at a
> Pipeline
> box (which is not causing a problem).
> One of the things that I noticed is that there is a delay (about 5
> seconds)
> between the first time I get a connect on the max 4000 and the prompt
> for 
> the maintance password appears.  Perhapse the client (linux) should be
> sending
> some authentication information initially to prevent a timeout to the
> system 
> maintance password prompt, but I'm not 100% sure, as I don't have a
> convient
> tool and am not familiar enough with the Max to monitor the connection
> between
> a Win95 box and the Max to see what's happening with those
> authentications.
> I've read the appropriate RFCs, but the number of "Should"s in the
> specification
> leave room for differences between the way Win95 boxes and linux boxes
> might
> handel initial authentications.  Someone Please enlighten me if I'm way
> off
> course here.
> This had to be a no-brainer (If I only had a...) problem and is probably
> a linux
> configuration problem, but I am a little worried that the Max offers the
> maintance
> login prompt to any old user who dials us up and waits.  Am I paranoid,
> or is this
> normal configuration practice?
> I'm also having some trouble connecting a yamaha rt100i (isdn router)
> router to
> the same Max and, although I can't monitor the connection/authentication
> process 
> as closely as I can with linux, I belive the problem to be related.
> I would appreciate any suggestions on configuration items in the
> max/radius 
> database that might need to be changed/added.  Additionally, I would
> like to
> know what other people used to debug/monitor initial connection problems
> other 
> than what the radius database reports to syslog.
> Thanks, in advance, for your time.
> ############## Mini-com script at the max 4000
> ATDT 555-1212
> CONNECT 38400
> Welcome to anynet
> <a delay of about 5 seconds>
> System Password: systemmaintancepassword
> Login: joeuser
> Password: joeuserpassword
>     Entering PPP Session.
>     IP address is
>     MTU is 1524.
> ~ÿ}#À!}!}!} }
> ############## Mini-com script at the Pipeline
> ATDT 555-2121
> CONNECT 38400
> ** Ascend Pipeline Terminal Server **
> Login: joeuser
> Password: joeuserpassword
>     Entering PPP Mode.
>     IP address is
>     MTU is 1500.
> ~ÿ}#À!}!}!} }
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