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Re: (ASCEND) sick of lost of route problem with max4k

Sure no problem.. 
witht he help of Ascend's tech. support, we started looking into what could be
making my connection act this way. With a fresh upgrade of the software we
started looking at the routing table. We made a few adjustments to the netmask
portion my static ip ( from /24 to /32) but that didnt seem to help.. then we
looked at my PC that was having this problem.. Everything there seems ok also.. 
Then a funny thing happened. I have left my computer on all night ( lucky its a
local call) to see if the changes we made would help and later the next day my
connection was down. Before i realized that tho i pinged my pc and got a ~43ms
ping. and thought that was strange for a 28.8 modem on dialup. So then i
checked to see if my pc was still on the max and it wasn't and that REALLY
shook me. I immediatly called Ascend tech support again and got my guy i was
working on this with. He did some tests and found that there was
another pc on one of my bridged ISDN pipe50 profiles that had my IP!!. Now this
REALLY bothered me cuz i setup most of those pc on that side of the p50 and i
KNOW i wouldn't give my ip away. Turns out that the user of the workstation has
been getting "Dupilicate ip" errors for the past year or so ( approx. the same
time i have been trying to get pc stable with my static ip. They would get on
during the day time ( while i was at work) and we would hardly know of each
other unless i was at home in the daytime when their connection would become
active. Seems like someone reconfigured that pc after i did and just entered
random numbers and happend to choose mine. Heads will roll, but it was no fault
to Ascends hardware/software.

Thanks again Ascend for helping me (finally) putting this to bed. 

Terrelle Shaw

On 11-Feb-98 Kevin A. Smith wrote:
> I just read up the notes on this case, and I wonder just how many people
> may have the same kind of setup. It seems a few simple (apparently logical)
> errors in the configuration could leave the system half-working like this.
> Would you care to share with us what the problem was in the end, so that
> we have closure on this and a "solution" in the mailing list archives.
> Thanks!
> Kevin
> At 05:29 PM 1/29/98 -0800, Terrelle Shaw wrote:
>>Ok.. im just about through.. I have been trying for two years ( mar.'96)
> since
>>software 4.6B ( now at 5.0ap38) to set and get a static ip connection profile
>>to be stable. What lines in the connection profile on the max4000 do you use
>>when configuring a dial up client? It seems that the max4000 after a few days
>>of use refuses to pass any packets beyond it self to or from the client. This
>>REALLY bugs me.. if seems also that if i reboot.. i can get past it again,
> but
>>shortly ( sometimes hours, othertimes days) the MAX seems to once again, STOp
>>forwarding any packets either from or to the dial up client.. the only
> place i
>>can always get to when this happens is to the MAX. mind you this has been
>>happeing since 4.6B ( when i first got the max)
>>So it leads me to believe I'm doing something wrong.. i thought the only
> place
>>i would have to put the static ip in the connection profile for the dial up
>>user would be in the LAN IP line.. maybe im wrong.. if not there where?
> This is
>>mainly a machine that dials up with an ip ( a linux box) that i want the
> max to
>>route packets to ( just like any other machine except that this box has a
>>static ip and not issued from the pool). 
>>Can anyone help? Give me SOME direction on what i should be looking at to
> solve
>>this and put this to bed.. its LONG overdue.. 
>>Terrelle Shaw
>>E-Mail: Terrelle Shaw <>
>>Date: 29-Jan-98
>>Time: 17:21:23
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> Kevin

Terrelle Shaw
E-Mail: Terrelle Shaw <>
Date: 10-Feb-98
Time: 19:24:10

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