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Re: (ASCEND) Could not negotiate a compatible ..... (you know what follows)

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Darkshot wrote:

> Peter Dale wrote:
> > If you have a IE4 distribution license, you can give out DUN1.2 without
> > hassle - if not, you'd have to check with M$. I get the M$ IE licenses
> > because (a) they're no-charge, and (b) I really have no love for
> > Navigator and their inability to "Connect using an existing DUN profile".
> We were one of the (few) thay actually paid to send Navigator out, and 
> although we spent a ton of money doing it I'm glad we did. IE just 
> wasn't usable prior to this latest release, and I still don't like it much.
> Since I spend a lot of time logged on running other programs besides a 
> browser, I actually prefer for the browser not to be very tightly 
> integrated. Admittedly this is 180 degrees from out typical user.

Agreed. I spend almost zero total time in either IE2/3/4 or 
Communicator/3.03/2/1.22 unless sanity checking web graffiti. I have 
assorted Win boxen here running various versions used mostly for checking 
dialup performance.

> And let me make sure- I've been thinking it was  DUN 2.1 but everyone 
> is saying 1.2; I'm sure I have it wrong in my head, but this IS the 
> release that supports analog stacking on Win 95, right? 1.2?

Yup, it's DUN1.2 - adds Multilink, second dialup adapter, etc. Works 
moderately well doing all things - I don't use it myself, it seems to 
play havoc with my dedicated dialup/network connection into my NTS from 
home. But I had to reload NT4 last night after an extended power outage, 
so I might try it again.
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