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There is another downside to HDSL.  You can't run other xDSL circuits in
the same bundle as HDSL circuits.  We tried this using IDSL in a 200 pair
bundle.  With no HDSL circuits, IDSL worked fine.  With each HDSL circuit
we added, the IDSL became less reliable until with the 8th HDSL circuit,
the IDSL routers could no longer see one another.

Talking with a GTE engineer, ADSL has the same problem, only worse.


> From: Phillip Vandry <vandry@Mlink.NET>
> To: MyLink <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) HDSL PRI ? 
> Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 1:22 PM
> Just make sure they are giving you a T1 interface, and *NOT* a V.35
> (serial) interface and everything will be fine.
> Since the Max has built in T1 CSUs, they can't supply an external CSU
> for you because you won't be able to use it. Hopefully they won't
> expect you to deal with a V.35 interface.
> Normally when you do HDSL, you use an HDSL CSU _instead_ of a T1 CSU.
> However, I have heard of HDSL equipment that converts the HDSL line
> into T1, and this may be what they're using to provide you with a
> T1 interface.
> HDSL can be less reliable than T1 (and cheaper too!) because of the
> following reasons: HDSL loops can be longer than T1 loops, repeaters
> are not used along line to amplify the signal in the case of long loops,
> HDSL is frequently done over 26 Gauge wiring instead of 22 Gauge, and
> finally HDSL loops do not use seperate wire bundles for transmit
> and receive.
> That being said, HDSL is not bad for this reason. Indeed it will be
> quite as reliable as T1 on the same physical curcuit. I only say
> this because HDSL allows them to skimp on the circuit quality if
> they want.
> But if they do, and it causes trouble, you are of course justified in
> complaining :-)
> But again, the most important thing is, make sure they are not attempting
> to deliver a V.35 interface to you.
> -Phil
> > We currently have 3 PRI's coming from a DMS100 switch to a max4004 and
> > max4048.
> > We were scheduled to have a PRI added today, but ran into some
> > The telco
> > (BellSouth) tech informed us the new PRI was coming from some "new
> > technology" and
> > started to mount a new PairGain unit on the wall (even though there
> > plenty of slots
> > open in the existing units).  We tried to get him to explain "new
> > technology" but he said
> > he didn't understand anything about was supposed to work just
> > the older PRI's
> > we currently have installed without any difference from our point of
> > Having been fed
> > complete lines of bull sh*t in the past, I asked if there was anyway to
> > get another PRI
> > the same as the ones we currently have installed.  The reply was
> > are no longer
> > selling the older technology.  The question is, what kind of problems
are we
> > going to be
> > in for "mixing" these technologies (if any) with the maxes.  Which PRI
> > or old) do I
> > set to provide the clock source...does it even matter?   What kind of
> > issues apply,
> > can the line be used for 56k etc...?
> > 
> > The install has been postponed for a while to give us some time to get
> > answers.
> > The PairGain unit is a Model HRU-412, luckily the tech agreed to lose
> > card reference
> > for the unit here so we could check it out.  The docs say that the unit
> > for providing a
> > complete HiGain HDSL system for quickly and cost-effectively delivering
> > temporary
> > service.
> > 
> > Any thoughts, explanations, or suggestions?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Scott McDonald
> >
> > 
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