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You should use the Max 6000 at the central site and perhaps Pipeline 130's
at the remote offices. Radius generally sits at the central site.

At 01:31 PM 6/3/98 -0600, dreamwvr wrote:
>Hi Everyone,Please assist if at all possible....
>           I have been looking over the online manual for MAX and MAX4000
>           and need to know whether i am on track here. Here is what i am
>           to do with ascii illustration for details. I am planning to set
>up a VPN over 
>           the big I. The main branch has a T1 frame relay currently which
>is accessible 
>           by some 5 offices that connect over 56k connections to the main
>branch to 
>           access a AS400. Please let me know what products if i am wrong
>that i will
>           need to look at... thanks:') everything must be heavily secure.
>From what i 
>           understand the MAX series has built in CSU and router with ATMP
>for vpn use.
>           What i thought i would do is have main office use a MAX that is
>hooked into
>           the internet by T1 connection. Should the branch offices go with
>MAX as well?
>           That is how i understand it. They will access by 56k and need to
>be secure as
>           well. That way all the branch offices are able to access via IP
>the main
>           branch with the MAXes routing to the next routers up the web
>chain. Should 
>           i use GRE on this and if so can you point me to a howto set this
>up? I plan 
>           to use enhanced RADIUS for auth for all branches. That way
>access is bi-
>           directional so that the main branch can also communicate in the
>           branches locations as well all encrypted with IPSEC from MAXes.
>I am planning
>           to use a firewall and Secureid to authenticate roving users
>dialing in 
>           from isps or from home. One the Internet side of the equation
>should be the 
>           MAX(s) with encryption tunnelling turned on. The MAXes routers
>route to 
>           the branch offices and also in the main branches case route to
>the DMZ 
>           running a secure webserver. People accessing from the web are
>routed to 
>           the secure server by MAX. The branch office people are
>           separately as they can enter the LAN using RADIUS or smart card
>if using
>           dialup from ISP. Can the MAX and MA4000 series handle this
>           safely? Is my below diagram right or off the deep end:')
>           [sslsrv-extdns]
>                DMZ             dialupmodempool
>                 |                    |
>  |             
>Auth .db
>           Everyone have i missed something here? Will i need a MAX4000 or
>           What should i look at for the 56k links? What is the best
>location for 
>           the RADIUS to protect it? Am i on track? Is my security pattern
>								Best Regards,
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