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(ASCEND) RADIUS & MAXen - access question

A question for the experienced RADIUS administrators out there...

We have a single Max4000 and are about to add 2 x Max2000s to our 
network.  We use RADIUS for dialin authentication and have a very 
simple user profile for every user that looks like:

username        Crypt-Password = "Kkl8nasd_29bakJ"
                Service-Type = Framed-User,
                Framed-Protocol = PPP,
                Ascend-Maximum-Call-Duration = 120

Our users are staff members and students.

We want ONLY staff to be able to authenticate through the two new 
Maxen... but both staff and students to be able to use the existing 

Can somebody tell how I can achieve this with RADIUS and the Maxen?

I really do appreciate your wisdom!



- Michael Curran                      -
-                  -
- Information Technology Officer        Charles Sturt University  -
- Online Support & Systems Programming                            -
- "Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; -
- it comes from being open to all the questions"		  -
-                                              Earl Gary Stevens  -
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