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RE: (ASCEND) Multilink PPP across Maxen

I have successfully done this by setting the "Stack Options" to stack
the units...  Works fine.
I believe that is under Mod Config, just set the stack name to the same
name on both of the units, and
make sure the port is the same, save the changes, reboot the units, and
it should work... 
Some people seem to have issues with stacking, I had none doing local
rip2, and IP routing...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	J-Mag Guthrie []
> Sent:	Thursday, June 04, 1998 8:31 AM
> To:
> Subject:	(ASCEND) Multilink PPP across Maxen
> I've got 4 PRIs that rollover for dial-up customers.  Sometimes, when
> a
> 128k dial-up customer calls, there's only one channel open on the
> first
> box, so he can only get 64k. Is there a way to let him get his second
> channel off the second Max?  If so, what do I need to do to the Maxen
> to
> make this work?  
> - J-Mag Guthrie
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