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Re: (ASCEND) Trumpet Winsock and 6.1.0

At 08:39 AM 6/11/98 -0500, Steve Ames wrote:
>I have a user who is using "trumpet winsock version 3.0 revision D"
>and has stopped connecting upon upgrading my MAX 4048 to 6.1.0. I
>explained to the user that that was probably more than coincedence
>and, naturally, he demanded I switch back... unfortunately, for him,
>several other customers are reporting higher connect rates since the
>switch. He is using Windows 95 but also refuses to use "Bill Gates'
>crap". *sigh*

Possibly related to the note in the 6.1 release notes:

• Windows 95 machines installed with Winsock.dll (version 2.0) fail to 
  log in successfully.
     You should configure Windows 95 in one of the following ways:
   – Upgrade Windows 95 with the latest Microsoft Dialup Networking patch 1.2,
   – Revert to older versions of Winsock.dll.

I don't know what the solution would be for that customer, other than to wait 
for the next maintenance release... :(

[Try TAC too, maybe they have a workaround, or might be able to look into

Kevin Smith			Ascend Communications...
Customer Satisfaction	...where Network Solutions never end.

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