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Re: (ASCEND) Re-iterate: 6.1.3 does NOT fix IP address pool leak

Been running 6.1.3 since it's been out, and so far the only complaint
we've recieved, is that some of our users are having trouble connecting.

As for the IP pool leak, I've yet to see it.  Here's what my busiest 4048
shows with 33 sessions (1 MP):

MAX# sh pools

Pool#                Base         Count      InUse
   1           60         32

 Number of remaining allocated addresses:    0

MAX# sh revision
POP-633-01 system revision:  ftik.m40 6.1.3
MAX# sh uptime
system uptime: up 2 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes, 52 seconds

I do agree, however, it would be nice to be able to download the latest
code release, and be able to install it without having to watch our boxes
closely for several days.

  Troy Settle <>
  Network Administrator, iPlus Internet Services

On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Jim Logan wrote:

> At 05:42 PM 6/26/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >This is getting ABSOULTELY RIDICULOUS!  I cannot believe that
> >Ascend engineers cannot catch problems which crop up in a 
> >NORMAL OPERATING ENVIRONMENT in less than 12 hours.  Doesn't
> >anybody test this code before it is released?!
> >
> >In any case, I have installed rtk.m40/ftk.m40 on three MAX4048 and
> >the IP address pool leak continues to be an issue.  I am NOT
> >running anything special - simply using the MAX4048 as a
> >terminal server to provide Sync/Async dial-up through PRIs.
> >I am running RIPv2 as the routing protocol and I am using
> >stacking.
>  Similar Loads here, I don't seem to have to reboot as often, but then
> again, Fridays/Saturdays are typically lighter than normal usage on my
> Maxen's.. Currently only have 6 IP's lost to the wind with my last reboot
> done last night before I left at 9 PM to head home.
>  I'd go back, but users do tend to like the V.90 support as well as ability
> to use "shotgun" modems and connect via analog on multiple lines (which
> 5.0.x can't do). Also using a Max 4048 with 56K..

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