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(ASCEND) Interpreting Fatal Error

I am puzzled by this fatal error...which I do not know how to interpret:

FATAL ERROR:  Index: 1  Load: ftk.m40 Revision: 7.0.4
        Date: 04/17/2000.       Time: 15:55:10
        Location: b00020a4 b0278d68 b00ef9a0 b00eab18 b0278d2c b0001978

SYSTEM IS UP:  Index: 100  Load: ftk.m40 Revision: 7.0.4
        Date: 04/17/2000.       Time: 15:57:34

This error caused an apparent reboot of the Max 4048 . . . Symptoms leading up to this reboot were:

Customers dial into the PRI, and get blank silence.....

How do I interpret this Index: 1 error? It's the first and only ever recorded on this box.

Also, I checked the error log for the T-1 and discovered 5 ES errors in the past 24 hours.

Gordon Zeigler

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