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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2904] INL server problems

Quoting Tom Holub <>:

> If we're going to move the 32-player code into the vanilla source
> tree, it needs to be better protected by that #define so changing it
> really has an effect.

From an earlier message here by me ('it' = MAXPLAYERS):

> If you do change it, there's 2 places it needs to be changed.
> and ntserv/defs.h

> And a full "make clean; make" is required in ALL directories.  The
> autodependencies are a little broken at the moment, and defs.h is
> pervasive.

I still need to chase down why the dependencies don't work all that
well.  For any changes to defs.h, don't depend on the current makefile
to catch all the files that need to be recompiled.

--Carlos V.