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(ASCEND) Re: 6.0 vs 5.0

 I haven't even touched 6.0 yet, I've been working on stabilizing my TNT's
and other Max's for the past couple of months, Now that they are stable I
will be attacking 6.0 early next week, I'll email out if I run into
any problems. I'm actually quite happy with the performance I'm seeing out
of 5.0Ap42, I hope it doesn't take 42 patch releases to get 6.0 to the
same level.

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations
Network Access
Erols Internet

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998 wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Jason Nealis wrote:
> >  I may be wrong, But I believe that is included in the upcomming 6.0
> > code, Can anyone confirm this? 
> Speaking of 6.0...  what's your interpretation of 6.0's performance vs.
> 5.0's?  I'm thinking about upgrading a few office 4000s to 6.0b4 (or
> whatever's the latest) but i'm wondering if there's any OSPF improvements,
> etc.
> later...
> jsb
> --
>       /
>   /  o     Jason Buchanan
>  o         Digistar Microsystems
>        /
>       o

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