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Re: Re:(ASCEND) P50's supported any longer.

How can you stop supporting products that stopped delivering to
Europe(Sweden) for not more than a month ago!!!!!!!!!!!***!!!!?????
(i.e. model with switch)

Very interesting...

...what is Ascends definition of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION????

I and Upnet would like to have an immediate answer to that now!
Should we stop selling your products, since their lifespan couls be less
than a month?

Maybye european customers are of no intrest of Ascend?

This kind of "tough luck, sucker" attitude is devastating for Ascends

Is also the fact that you have different models for some european
countries, even though only one model is for EuroISDN some hidden over the
border sales stopper?

Europe is one market and we need this information to provide the right
equipment for every market.

If we have an pan-european customer we need to provide the proper equipment.
It SHOULD be in Ascends own intrest of providing just that information.

/Mats Nilson :(

****** OLD MSG *******
From: "Kevin A. Smith" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 12:36:22 -0700
Subject: Re: (ASCEND) P50's supported any longer.

At 08:39 PM 6/10/98 -0700, Bob Mcmillan wrote:
>I noticed on Ascend's ftp site that there is version 6.0.4, 6.0.6 and now
>version 6.1. It appears there is
>no code for updating the P50's, I am just wondering are they supported any

Yes, er and No. The software that you load into the P50 depends on the type 
of P50 that it is....basically how old it is. The README should explain this
well. The older models are no longer getting new features (the 6.X branch), 
but we continue supporting them with patch releases on the 5.1ApXX branch.

Kevin Smith			Ascend Communications...
Customer Satisfaction -> *Ha!
	...where Network Solutions never end...
*an elaborate way of saying "your newly bought products support could be
*terminated any time" ;)
********* END OLD MSG ************
Med vänlig hälsning/Best regards

Mats Nilson              Upnet AB	  <--- 
tel +46-8 566 230 52     Box 20 161	  MIME+
fax +46-8 566 230 01     161 02 Bromma	 BinHex
email:    Sweden		  ---> 

_____*Visiting adress:_Archimedesvägen 4*______

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